Male fertility enhancement supplement

ways to increase sperm count and enhance overall fertility in men. Foods or supplements that claim to increase libido are called.
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This not only ensures healthy sperm mobility but also plays a critical role in cell division. Studies show that increased Arginine consumption will stimulate greater ejaculate volume As a potent antioxidant, studies have shown that Acetyl L-Carnitine reduces concentrations of fertility robbing free radicals in human semen. It will also help to improve sperm motility and concentration while even increasing your sperm count 17 , 18 , N-Acetyl L-Cysteine is another potent antioxidant that will boost your natural cellular antioxidant systems such as glutathione an antioxidant substance in every cell of our bodies.

This amino acid will improve sperm motility by significantly reducing free radical concentrations in human semen. Skip to main content. Google Tag Manager.

Vitamin A Oxidative stress in the male reproductive tract is commonly known to cause peroxidative damage to the sperm plasma membrane also loss of DNA integrity 1 An effective strategy to counteract this oxidative stress is by increasing the capacity of seminal plasma to scavenge fertility damaging free radicals. Vitamin B6 Also called pyridoxine; vitamin B6 has powerful, fertility enhancing antioxidant properties 4. Furthermore, there are specific vitamins that can help men increase their reproductive health which include: Selenium, Vitamin C, and Zinc.

These vitamins support the healthy function of sperm production and sperm motility to increase fertility. Selenium may not be the first vitamin you think of for improving health, but is actually a unique antioxidant that helps improve sperm motility. Current research has shown that selenium supplements have increased fertility in men and can improve the chances of conception when taken appropriately.

However, as with any supplement, patients are encouraged to speak with their doctor before taking new vitamins. Selenium can also be sourced naturally from foods such as tuna, nuts, and sunflower seeds. Vitamin C has a legacy of providing many health benefits, and it is just as helpful for boosting fertility as it is at boosting immunity. The great news is that Vitamin C is easily sourced from natural foods such as apples, citrus fruits, broccoli, and green leafy vegetables.

Zinc is another vitamin commonly known for improving immunity, but it also helps boost male fertility.

Zinc supplements have shown to improve sperm motility. For example, a study by Kuwait University found that zinc supplements helped improve sperm motility in a group of men with immotile sperm. Zinc can be sourced naturally from foods such as oysters, crab, lobster, beef, and pumpkin seeds.

15 Foods for Strong Sperm: Count, Motility, Volume, and More

Once you have put so much effort into improving your diet to boost fertility, it is a good idea to make the most of your work. Prolonged stress raises levels of cortisol, which has strong negative effects on testosterone. When cortisol goes up, testosterone levels tend to go down 25 , While severe, unexplained anxiety is typically treated with medication, milder forms of stress can be alleviated by numerous relaxation techniques.

Stress management can be as simple as taking a walk in nature, meditating, exercising or spending time with friends. Vitamin D is another nutrient that may boost your testosterone levels. One observational study showed that vitamin D-deficient men were more likely to have low testosterone levels A controlled study in 65 men with low testosterone levels and vitamin D deficiency supported these findings.

Three Vitamins that Boost Male Fertility

Additionally, high vitamin D levels are linked to greater sperm motility, but the evidence is conflicting 29 , Tribulus terrestris , also known as puncturevine, is a medicinal herb frequently used to enhance male fertility. One study in men with low sperm counts showed that taking 6 grams of tribulus root daily for two months improved erectile function and libido While Tribulus terrestris does not raise testosterone levels, research indicates that it may possibly enhance the libido-promoting effects of testosterone 32 , 33 , However, further studies need to confirm its aphrodisiac properties and evaluate the long-term risks and benefits of supplementing with it.

Fenugreek Trigonella foenum-graecum is a popular culinary and medicinal herb. One study in 30 men who strength-trained four times a week analyzed the effects of taking mg of fenugreek extract daily. The men experienced significantly increased testosterone levels, strength and fat loss, compared to a placebo Another study in 60 healthy men showed that taking mg of Testofen, a supplement made from fenugreek seed extract and minerals, daily for six weeks improved libido, sexual performance and strength These findings were confirmed by another, larger study in healthy men.

Taking mg of Testofen every day for three months improved self-reported erectile function and the frequency of sexual activity. Also, the supplement significantly increased testosterone levels Keep in mind that all of these studies examined fenugreek extracts. It is unlikely that whole fenugreek, which is used in cooking and herbal tea, is as effective.

FertilAid for Men

Zinc is an essential mineral found in high amounts in animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and shellfish. Observational studies show that low zinc status or deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality and an increased risk of male infertility Also, taking zinc supplements increases testosterone levels and sperm count in those who are low in zinc 39 , 40 , Furthermore, zinc supplements may reduce the decrease in testosterone levels that's associated with excessive amounts of high-intensity exercise 12 , Ashwagandha Withania somnifera is a medicinal herb that has been used in India since ancient times.

Studies suggest that ashwagandha may improve male fertility by boosting testosterone levels. One study in men with low sperm cell counts showed that taking mg of ashwagandha root extract per day for three months significantly improved fertility. In comparison, minimal improvements were detected among those who got a placebo treatment A study in 57 young men following a strength-training program showed that consuming mg of ashwagandha root extract daily significantly increased testosterone levels, muscle mass and strength, compared to a placebo These findings are supported by observational evidence indicating that ashwagandha supplements may improve sperm counts, sperm motility, antioxidant status and testosterone levels 44 , Maca root is a popular plant food that originated from central Peru.

Traditionally, it has been used for its ability to enhance libido and fertility. Several studies in men showed that taking 1. Studies also suggest that maca root may improve sexual performance.

In men with mild erectile dysfunction, 2. Taking 1. These findings have been partly confirmed by reviews, but the researchers noted that the evidence is weak and more research is needed before definite claims can be made 51 , Additionally, maca root doesn't seem to affect hormone levels.