Female enhancement before and after

48 year old female before and 6 months post op pics after bilateral upper 40 year old after having one child and breast feeding desires breast enlargement.
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It is very important to spend enough time in the first consultation to establish what you consider to be your ideal breast size and shape. It is a good idea to bring in any pictures of breast enlargements that you like. Your surgeon will carefully examine your breasts, take measurements and show you various implant options to consider. Photographs of your chest will be taken and, if suitable, 3D morphing simulation will be done using the Crisalix technology, to show you what breast implants of different shape and size will look like.

We aim to choose the best breast implant shape and size for your body to achieve the desired results. Please note that our surgeons do not endorse or perform extremely large volume breast implants. If this is your desire, we suggest you find another surgeon who can assist you.

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Any potential complications that could arise will also be discussed, and your recovery process explained. Please ask any questions that you may have, and come prepared with a list of these to your consultation.

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A second consultation will need to be attended closer to the date of your surgery to finalise the choices that have been made. Our surgeons only do breast augmentation surgery in fully accredited hospitals, under general anaesthetic conducted by a specialist anaesthetist. Saline-filled breast implants are infrequently used in Australia. Round implants are more dome-shaped, and fuller in the middle segment; this may provide more fullness in the upper breast. Equally as important are your own tissue features — skin, breast tissue and chest shape.

Our surgeons customise the implant choice to each individual, depending on breast shape and desired result.

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The choice depends on a number of factors, particularly the quality and volume of your own breast tissues, to make the implant itself less visible and create a natural, soft outcome. With less natural breast tissue placement behind the muscle is usually recommended. After you are placed under a general anaesthetic, The implant is inserted through a small incision is made under the breast and enough space made to accommodate the pre-chosen breast implant.

Using very strict sterile conditions, the breast implant is then placed and the wounds securely stitched closed, using hidden stitches beneath the skin. There are no stitches that need to be removed. Protective dressings are then placed and you wake up in the recovery ward.

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Our surgeons only perform breast enlargement surgery in fully accredited hospitals, ensuring your safety. Breast augmentation surgery is usually not very painful. The anaesthetists in our team are highly experienced skilled and experienced in modern anaesthetic techniques and are devoted to keeping you comfortable, pain and nausea free. You will leave the hospital with a comprehensive plan to mange your recovery. Initially after the surgery you will have surgical tape covering your breasts. This is removed after 5 — 6 days and a soft surgical bra worn day and night for 6 weeks.

After your surgery there will be some swelling and fullness early after the surgery. This is mostly gone by around 6 weeks.

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You should be able to do non-strenuous clerical-type work about 1 week after your surgery. More strenuous work, however, may require more time off work. You will be unable to exercise for 6 weeks, to allow the implants to stabilise in the correct position. These will be discussed with you in detail before your surgery at your preoperative consultations.

Although scars are present following any surgery, our surgeons will make every effort to keep them as minor and subtle as possible.