Male enhancement circle k

You've probably seen those sexual enhancement supplements in gas stations or convenience stores. You know the ones They come with.
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This is nothing like any of you have seen before, faithful blog followers. For a while I have been compiling a list of things that seem to happen often when I am at the dreaded convenience store. For a while, I thought that the only people that shopped at my local Circle K besides myself were people in need of natural male enhancement. So today I went to the Circle K to acquire my glorious flow of caramel coloring and artificial flavors and these two kids were getting ICEEs with their mom.

One time I was there in line and I thought any moment we were going to have to call because for sure the shaking and twitching drug addict behind the cash register was going to drop to the floor. Have you ever noticed that elderly women often rub and hold on to their asses while they walk? Pay attention next time your grandma is in town, or you eat out at a place frequented by the elderly. Mom, first. Writer, second. Misanthrope, always. I'm an influencer to everyone but my children. View all posts by Heather Christena Schmidt.

I need tampons! Is there a chance that female component of the ExtenZe couple was a hooker? You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

5 Circle K WTFs

For best result, take it at weekend. Okay, hold on.

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This drug gives you an erection, but stops working after drinking cold water? The aliens from Signs? Ginko biloba has actually been noted as a possible treatment for Alzheimer's disease. It's brain food and acts as such. Totally head-clearing, but no erection in sight. This kind of worked, but kind of didn't. Can you get too upset over a drug that acts as an IQ booster, yet leaves your penis flaccid and unusable?

Yes you can. Sildenafil, the active ingredient in Viagra. A box riddled with Chinese characters leaves the user to rely on their own judgment. Each box contains four individually-wrapped cream-colored pills. I had to assume all four pills would make me die. So only one was swallowed.

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Hey, you know that feeling when a little man with a jackhammer pounds on your heart as he eases your genitals out of their slumber with rapid-fire flashes of erotic images? Oh, you don't? You should try this. Welp, the FDA isn't into it. But seriously, throw it away after. However, the heaping milligrams of caffeine did make every single day a nightmarish jittery landscape.

So there's that. I actually gained two pounds after a week on the pills, but I attribute that to my heavy diet of fried chicken. Arginine, glutamin, maca tribulus terrestirs, lyco-pene damiana leaf, yohimbe, zinc, guarana, vitamin C, vitamin D3, vitamin B12, Korean ginseng, saw palmetto.

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Do not use if you have problems or high blood pressure or serious medical condition. This is probably the only pill that put the legitimate fear of death into my heart. There was no increase in length, width, girth, or orgasm intensity Jesus, this stuff is the Dallas Buyers Club of erectile dysfunction.

There's so much packed inside this little blue pill. It got me a little hot and bothered, but I'm also a male in my twenties.

7 thoughts on “5 Circle K WTFs”

Thanks for the near-death experience, guys. Much like Black Ant, there were no English instructions to guide me — and four individually-wrapped orange pills led me to believe one pill would do the trick. Also, no one seems to know what a "stree overlord" actually is. You're too much. An anxiety-fueled Superman-esque erection that could've popped through a wall like the Kool-Aid man.

Black Ant and Stree Overlord should team up and release a combo pack that kills men with erectile issues. Just like that, you could end the ED problem in America.

5 Circle K WTFs – Heather Christena Schmidt

Garro wood, bezoar, clove, Korean ginseng, cinnamon. Incomprehensible, but this was "analyzed and registered in The Nationalists Government of China. What were his views on gas station penis drugs? First of all, how adorable is this bottle? It looks like it was smuggled out of China in a panda's butt. Information on Seifen's Kwang Tze solution is insanely shady — as in, there is none.

The shopkeeper who sold me this stuff told us it worked "super well.