Reviews on penile enlargement

Ads for penis-enlargement products and procedures are everywhere. A plethora of pumps, pills, weights, exercises and surgeries claim to increase the length.
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For example, one study I came across reported on dozens of patients who experienced penile deformities after undergoing one of these surgeries [3]. Complaints included very prominent scarring, penile humps and lumps, as well as a disappearance of injected fat. Many of these men needed to have reconstructive surgery in order to address the deformities. Unfortunately, the full extent of complications arising from these operations is unknown. A recent review paper on this topic highlighted the fact that many studies do not discuss complications and concluded the following:.

There is no standard surgical technique, and much of the performed procedures are experimental with minimal objective pre- and postoperative data. Indeed, research has found that the outcomes of cosmetic surgery are mixed, and the factors that predict worse outcomes include being young, male, thinking that cosmetic surgery will save your relationship, and having a history of depression and anxiety [5]. And if you do opt for penile augmentation, keep in mind that you don't always know what you're signing up for with one of these surgeries.

Want to learn more about The Psychology of Human Sexuality? Click here for a complete list of articles or like the Facebook page to get articles delivered to your newsfeed. The association between penis size and sexual health among men who have sex with men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39, Does size matter? Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 7 , — Reconstruction of deformities resulting from penile enlargement surgery.

The Journal of Urology, , Penile size and penile enlargement surgery: A review. International Journal of Impotence Research, 20, A review of psychosocial outcomes for patients seeking cosmetic surgery. Plastic and reconstructive surgery , , Join Dr. Stupid, insecure me being a hopeless romantic wanted to improve myself for my girlfriend. I went online and found a website claiming to increase your size. At the end of the second week, I woke up to find that I could no longer get hard.

I assumed maybe I overworked it, whatever. This lasted for five days and I was panicking. They referred me to a urologist and I explained to him what happened. He said to take a rest for 6 weeks, hopefully everything will be okay. I had developed a torsion of maybe 10 degrees, as in the head was rotated.

My penis would not go soft basically. It felt rubbery and stiff all the time, and it only relaxed to what I was used to if I was urinating or laying down on my back. I saw two more urologists and two clinic doctors and told them what was going on. I made sure to be clear about the exact motions I made when I was trying this jelqing nonsense. One told me to have a cystoscopy done and the other said to take another 2 months rest.

Cystoscopy came out clear. Obviously my gf broke up the week after I had my issue. Please be happy with what you have. A small, working dick will always be better than a broken 7-inches. Oh, and if by some miracle one of you have heard of a similar situation to mine or recognize the problem, please let me know. They also usually contain zinc, which makes you cum more. Some of the herbs make you last longer. All of those three things is good for your self-confidence. And so, in a weird way, they so work! However, I cannot recommend it to anyone. Manscaping is also a very solid option.

But the most important thing is to be happy about your dick. So, fuck all the nonsense. Your dick is your dick. If it is too short, learn how to go down on your partner. Treat that pussy like a temple. Get some toys. Confidence is more than the size of your dick. Read books, have opinions. Instead of wasting your money of those shitty pills, upgrade your wardrobe. Be happy with yourself. Women find that damn sexy. Fucked up my sexual life. I was struggling with suicidal thoughts for years.

Doing therapy has helped but the stigma is still there.

Sexual health

How do you explain your parents and friends that you have ED for such a stupid accident?? The funny thing is that I initially came across those exercises jelqing and stretching, the latter caused the worst damage while searching how to straighten the curvature, not for an enlargement method. I needed to get this off my chest. Not enlargement but once tried a weird knock-off viagra bought online. Gave me the dongest of dongs for a good few hours but also made my vision go BLUE.

Everything BLUE.

Slept it off and woke up to normal vision. Looked in the mirror — left pupil about twice the size of the right. That was 6 years ago. My uncle had a pump surgically inserted into his stomach, connected to a balloon inside of his dick. You press a button on his stomach and his dick inflates — instant hard on.

I am not joking. I dated a guy who said he wore one of those penis stretchers NSFW. It sounded like a torture device. He had to wear it for hours a day. For months at a time. It was enough for it to matter to him.

Does Penis Enlargement Surgery Really Work? — Sex And Psychology

He was fine the way he was. He would have been fine had he done nothing to change his size. One of the things I took away from dating him is how insecure men can be about their penis size. So whenever I date anyone, I always tell them the very specific details in how I love their penis. I never lie — that would be too tough to maintain long-term — but I always find something.

Huge girth. Love the way it curves. I can barely fit it in my mouth. I tried Enzyte for about a week or so once years ago and it did help. Not with length but with girth. It was nice lol. Now, you may think that knotting your GF or wife sounds fun, and it is.

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Thing is, it is her body and it is seriously not cool to be stuck in someone who is having instant regret. Tension machines take much much longer and have permanent results. Thing is, they can result in ED. Those are mostly recommended for medical applications — and they are effective. They suck for foreplay. No idea if it actually works, but anecdotally it can.

Not so much dick enlargement, but dick hardening yeah. They seemed like they either kinda worked, but were not reliable. Ended up finding that using kegel exercises while jacking off was the answer. And give yourself the rule you gotta be rock hard before you can finish. I can say with certainty that there are methods that work. It goes way beyond just penis pumping.

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  • I gained 0. Other people have gained way more than I have.

    Can a person increase the size of their penis?

    Other people are maniacal about it and will do whatever it takes to get a bigger cock. I used a pump about 3 times a week over the period of 4 or 5 months. I gained like a quarter inch in length.