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When you realize that ED may be affecting your sex life, your next thought is probably, "How can I spice things up and get over this hump?" Pardon the pun.
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Many caregivers must eventually face the difficult decision of placing their loved one in institutional care. It is estimated that about three-quarters of the population drink alcohol. Of this number, about 4 to 5 million Canadians will find that their alcohol consumption leads to serious problems involving their health, work, finances, and relationships with family and friends. When a person uses alcohol despite apparent harm to their health and well-being, it is called alcohol abuse or dependence , or alcoholism. In general, men are more likely than women to develop alcoholism.

However, the incidence of alcoholism among women has increased in the past 30 years. Dysmenorrhea can be literally translated as "difficult monthly flow. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: Primary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that's not a symptom of an underlying gynecologic disorder but is related to the normal process of menstruation.

Primary dysmenorrhea is most common in late adolescence and the early 20s. Fortunately for many women, the problem eases as they mature, particularly after a pregnancy. Although it may be painful and sometimes debilitating for brief periods of time, it is not harmful. Secondary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that is generally related to some kind of gynecologic disorder.

Most of these disorders can be easily treated with medications or surgery. Secondary dysmenorrhea is more likely to affect women during adulthood. Premenstrual syndrome PMS is a condition familiar to many women. Also known as ovarian cycle syndrome or premenstrual tension, it's defined as a set of symptoms e. Unfortunately, PMS is poorly understood. For some women, PMS may cause major discomfort and even disrupt normal activities. Some are totally unaffected and feel perfectly fine during the days leading up to menstruation. Women with this form of PMS may suffer severe depression, anger, or low self-esteem along with other symptoms.

Tourette syndrome TS , named after the French neurologist who first described it, is a neurological disorder characterized by motor tics brief, non-rhythmic, stereotyped movements and vocal tics. TS is usually first noticed in childhood between 2 and 15 years of age, although there have been cases of delayed onset starting around 21 years of age.

Depending on how strictly it's defined, experts estimate that TS affects 1 in people. Boys are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with this condition than girls.

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Although there is no cure for TS, most people do not need medical treatment if symptoms aren't bothersome. Severe cases of TS can cause behaviour that many people find bizarre, rude, or alarming. Many people who have heard of this condition associate it with loud and uncontrollable swearing. This is one possible symptom of TS, but it's a fairly rare one. Most people with TS have much less severe tics. Not everyone with TS has these conditions and the link between TS and these conditions is unclear. The severity of tics often diminishes with age and resolves by age 18 for about half of the people with this condition.

Though symptoms of TS usually improve during late teenage years, other medical conditions associated with TS, such as depression and anxiety, may continue into adulthood. People with TS have a normal life expectancy and intelligence. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra.

Urinary tract infections UTIs are far more common in women than men. Urinary tract infections have different names depending on which part of the urinary tract is infected. The rate of infection is higher for sexually active women — between 16 and 35 years old — than for men. Among seniors, the gender difference in infection rates diminishes, but rates of infection in seniors living at home or in care facilities or hospitals remains high. The vagina has its own chemical balance, which can be easily disturbed. If the lining of the vagina becomes inflamed, a condition known as vaginitis may develop.

This can occur in girls and women of all ages. Agoraphobia, meaning "fear of the marketplace" in Greek, is a type of anxiety disorder. It's a condition where a person feels intensely anxious about being trapped in certain situations i. Movie theatres, long lineups in banks or stores, and buses or subways are examples of problem places for people with agoraphobia. They often end up avoiding these situations or only go with someone they feel "safe" with.

In extreme cases, they may end up housebound, terrified to go anywhere in public. Agoraphobia affects more women than men and is more common in those who are middle aged, widowed or divorced and economically disadvantaged.

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It disproportionally affects people with panic disorder — half of people with panic disorder also have agoraphobia. We all experience a variety of moods such as happiness, sadness, and anger. Unpleasant moods and changes in mood are normal reactions in everyday life, and we can often identify the events that caused our mood to change. However, when we experience extreme mood changes that affect how we behave and function, these changes are often the result of a mood disorder.

Bipolar disorder formerly known as manic-depressive disorder is a mood disorder that consists of periods of extremely elevated mood mania , extremely low mood depression , and normal mood. Bipolar disorder typically begins for people during adolescence and early adulthood. It is unusual for bipolar disorder to begin in childhood without strong familial risk factors, and it is rare for its onset to occur after the age of 60 unless it is associated with another medical condition.

Infertility is usually defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of vaginal intercourse without birth control. Approximately one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to a fertility issue with the woman; one-third with the man; and one-third with either both partners or the cause of the infertility is never found.

People shouldn't assume that they or their partners are infertile until they've tried and failed to conceive for at least 6 months if the female partner is 35 years or older, or for at least one year if the female partner is less than 35 years of age. If you are still unable to get pregnant after this time, check with your doctor. Fortunately, it's not uncommon for couples to suddenly conceive a child after years of trying unsuccessfully without treatment. The kidneys, each about the size of a fist, play three major roles: The kidneys filter waste products and excess salt and water out of the blood, and pass these out of the body as urine.

The kidneys also make hormones that control blood pressure, as well as maintain bone metabolism and the production of red blood cells. It's a serious problem when the kidneys stop working. Waste products that build up in the body cause imbalances in chemicals needed to keep the body functioning smoothly. There are many different types of kidney diseases. Kidney diseases can lead to end-stage renal disease ESRD , a condition in which the kidneys fail to work normally.

People with kidney failure need to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant. Chronic renal failure, or chronic kidney disease CKD , is a slow and progressive decline of kidney function. Unlike acute renal failure, which happens quickly and suddenly, chronic renal failure happens gradually — over a period of weeks, months, or years — as the kidneys slowly stop working, leading to end-stage renal disease ESRD.

The progression is so slow that symptoms usually don't appear until major damage is done. In Canada, approximately 1. The kidneys play three major roles: When kidneys get to the point where they can't function at all, kidney dialysis or a transplant is the only way to remove the body's waste products. Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease that involves the glomeruli, the individual filtering units of the kidney that produce urine. When the glomeruli become inflamed, the kidneys can't filter urine properly. This results in a buildup of excess fluid and toxins in the body.

Glomerulonephritis can lead to chronic renal kidney failure. There are two main types of glomerulonephritis: Primary glomerulonephritis affects the kidneys directly, while in secondary glomerulonephritis the kidneys are damaged as a result of another illness. Glomerulonephritis seems to happen twice as often in males as in females.

IgA nephropathy, also called Berger's disease, is a kidney disorder that causes inflammation of the glomeruli, the individual filtering units of the kidney that produce urine. The inflammation is produced by a buildup of a substance called immunoglobulin A IgA in the kidneys. IgA is a type of antibody manufactured by the immune system. When the body is unable to filter the urine, it can't excrete body wastes or eliminate excess fluid from the bloodstream.

IgA nephropathy leads to renal kidney failure and other related complications. It may be acute attacking quickly and suddenly or chronic. IgA nephropathy often strikes in the teen or early adult years. It affects more males than females. Cyclothymic disorder, also called cyclothymia, is a type of mood disorder where people experience numerous periods of mood "highs" and "lows" that are unrelated to life circumstances.

The mood instability - mild elation or mild depression - is related to bipolar disorder which was formerly known as manic depression and is in fact considered to be a milder form of bipolar disorder. Though less severe, cyclothymia can have great impact on a person's life, where unexpected and extreme mood changes disrupt the ability to function normally. Cyclothymic disorder generally starts appearing during young adulthood, though it may also first occur at a later age.

Dysthymia is a mood or affective disorder. It is a chronic, mild depression that lasts for a long period of time. The word dysthymia comes from Greek roots meaning "ill-humour. The condition usually starts in early adulthood, and the disorder can last for years or even decades. Later onset is usually associated with bereavement or obvious stress, and often follows on the heels of a more extreme depressive episode.

Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from dysthymia, in a similar ratio to that seen with major depression. In the past, dysthymia had several other names: Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD is a chronic, potentially disabling anxiety disorder. This condition is characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts obsessions or certain behaviours that are repetitive and unnecessary but are extremely difficult to overcome compulsions.

People with OCD often feel powerless, distressed, and anxious because of the condition. Generally, the obsessive rituals are performed privately because affected people believe others may not understand their feelings and behaviour. People with OCD also realize that their actions have no real purpose but still feel unable to stop.

It affects men and women equally. It is sometimes confused with other anxiety disorders but, in reality, the condition is an illness that requires treatment. Phobias are fears sparked by certain situations that can interfere with a person's coping abilities or lead them to stay away altogether. These situations are not normally dangerous or frightening, but people with phobias experience strong feelings of anxiety when they find themselves in these environments. These individuals can be calm and rational most of the time, yet find themselves paralyzed with fear when they are faced with a particular situation.

Phobias can be categorized into a number of different types: Social phobia is an avoidance of social situations, resulting from extreme shyness or fear of being embarrassed in public. Social phobia affects men and women equally. It often starts in childhood or adolescence and may be accompanied by other anxiety disorders or depression. Agoraphobia is the fear of going into public places, including fear of open spaces and of crowds. Agoraphobia affects mostly women, who tend to develop the condition early in adult life.

Specific isolated phobias include many types of intense fear reactions. These include: Mastitis, also known as breast infection, is an infection of the breast tissue. It is caused by bacteria that usually enter the breast through small cracks in the nipple, then multiply within the fatty tissue of the breast.

A person who has been diagnosed with the medical condition known as overactive bladder, or OAB, has sudden urges to empty their bladder. In fact, most people with OAB visit the bathroom eight or more times a day.

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This medical condition is very common, affecting approximately 1 in 5 Canadians over the age of 35 years. When OAB is accompanied by an involuntary loss of moderate-to-large amounts of urine, the condition is called urge incontinence. OAB is caused by sudden involuntary contractions of the detrusor muscle, which is in the wall of the bladder. Although OAB can occur at any age, it is more likely to occur as a person ages.

However, it shouldn't be passed off as a normal part of growing older. Tailored specially for you, with exclusive events and offers on the items you buy the most. X You are using an unsupported browser. Articles Related Conditions But PE can be treated - here's how. Techniques you can try at home can be used alone or in combination: Squeeze technique: When the man feels a state of excitement where he may ejaculate, his partner gives the head of his penis a short sharp squeeze to prevent ejaculation from occurring.

Do not attempt this once the ejaculation has started. Stop-and-start technique: Just before the man is about to ejaculate, he and his partner stop moving and the man tries to relax and control his ejaculation. Pausing at this time gives the man a better sense of how he feels just before ejaculation. Eventually, this helps him condition his response to sexual stimulation so that he can last longer. Related Conditions Anxiety Disorders March 17, Mental and behavioural disorders Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time as a result of a situation that we perceive as threatening or stressful, such as having to do an oral presentation, having a near-miss with a car, or waiting for the results of a lab test.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder July 05, Mental and behavioural disorders Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD is a disorder that is characterized by a pattern of inattention inability to concentrate , and hyperactivity-impulsivity, that is persistent and developmentally inappropriate. Eating disorders are conditions that involve genetic, biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors. In North America, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder are the most common eating disorders.

More women than men are affected by eating disorders. Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric condition in which people restrict their food intake or use behaviours to prevent weight gain, because of an intense fear of becoming fat or obese. In reality, people affected by this condition are almost always underweight or of normal weight when the condition starts. This disorder usually starts in the years between adolescence and young adulthood, with the average age of onset at 18 years. Women are more affected by anorexia than men. Current statistics say that in their lifetimes, 9 in females and 3 in males will be diagnosed with anorexia.

However, in the diagnostic criteria were modified to be less restrictive, and by this newer understanding, these numbers are an underestimation. Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by repeated and uncontrolled or compulsive binge eating, followed by inappropriate ways of trying to get rid of the food eaten. Most often, this involves purging by self-induced vomiting or abuse of laxatives, enemas, or diuretics. It's also sometimes called the "binge-purge syndrome.

A person with bulimia may secretly binge anywhere from once a week to several times a day. Bulimia commonly appears in the latter part of adolescence or early adulthood, but it can develop at an earlier or later age. Like anorexia, the median age of onset for bulimia is 18 years. Bulimia also affects women more than men: Binge eating disorder is characterized by the same uncontrollable binge eating that is seen in bulimia nervosa, but without any purging behaviours after binge eating episodes. This condition is distinct from overeating or obesity.

The endometrium is the tissue that lines the inside of the uterus the womb. It is the tissue that is shed each month when women menstruate. Every month, it builds up rapidly in preparation for pregnancy, and if pregnancy does not occur, the excess endometrial tissue is sloughed off during menstruation. In endometriosis, endometrial cells are found outside the uterus, usually in other parts of the abdomen. These cells respond to female hormones in the same way as the lining of the uterus does.

Each month, tissue builds up, breaks down, and sheds. Unlike the cells inside the uterus, the blood and tissue that are shed in the abdomen have no way of leaving the body. They stick to other tissue and sometimes start to divide and multiply. They may grow into other tissue, or form strands that bind organs together. They may create scar tissue, which can be painful. Sometimes the endometrial cells create cysts that can rupture and bleed. The process sounds a bit like cancer, but endometriosis isn't cancer. However, it may increase the risk of getting ovarian cancer.

Endometriosis isn't a fatal disease. About one-quarter to one-half of infertile women have the disease. Erectile dysfunction is the frequent or consistent inability to get or sustain an erection of the penis that is satisfactory for engaging in sexual intercourse. While most men occasionally fail to get an erection, or lose one prematurely during sexual activity, some men suffer from these problems regularly. Accurate statistics are lacking on how many men are affected by the condition because it is often underreported, but it is estimated that about half of men over 40 in Canada have frequent problems achieving or maintaining an erection.

The number of men suffering from erectile dysfunction increases with age, but it is not considered a normal part of aging. The majority of cases can be successfully treated. Female sexual dysfunction occurs when a woman is not able to fully, healthily, and pleasurably experience some or all of the various physical stages the body normally experiences during sexual activity. These stages can be broadly thought of as the desire phase, the arousal phase, and the orgasm phase. Sexual dysfunction also includes painful intercourse.

In women, sexual dysfunction takes many forms and has numerous causes. It is important to address all the aspects of a woman's sexuality — whether physical, psychological, physiological mechanical , or interpersonal — in order to resolve the problems. Female sexual dysfunction is actually quite common. When someone is unable to control the ability to urinate and there's an involuntary loss of urine, this person is said to have urinary incontinence.

This condition is also called "leaky bladder. It generally affects more women than men until the age of Many people believe that urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging when in fact it's not. Others may be embarrassed to talk about incontinence with a health care professional.

For these reasons, many people don't seek medical help and never get properly diagnosed or treated. In many cases, urinary incontinence can be cured, or at least significantly relieved. Insomnia can refer to difficulty getting to sleep, difficulty staying asleep, waking up early without being able to return to sleep, or a combination of the three. In order to be diagnosed with insomnia, sleep difficulty must occur at least 3 nights per week even though the opportunity for adequate sleep is available.

It must also interfere with your life and functioning — for example, if you wake feeling unrefreshed or find yourself dozing during the day. Insomnia is not defined based on how many hours you've slept, since the amount people need can vary from person to person. It is also normal to sleep less as you age. If you're sleeping less than you did when you were younger, it doesn't necessarily mean you have insomnia. Insomnia is a very common medical complaint. It is more common among women, older adults, shift workers, and people with medical conditions and mental health issues.

Panic disorder is a type of anxiety disorder. People with this condition may become anxious to the extent that their feelings interfere with daily life. While most people have experienced a panic attack brought on by particular events or situations, the attacks in panic disorder often develop suddenly and for no apparent reason. The disorder can appear at any age, but it most commonly appears in young adults.

The risk of developing a panic disorder is increased if there is a family history of panic attacks or disorders, a history of abuse, the experience of a traumatic event, the experience of high levels of stress, and the need to adapt to significant changes in your life. Pelvic inflammatory disease PID is the most serious complication of sexually transmitted infections STIs, also known by the older name of sexually transmitted diseases or STDs such as chlamydia and gonorrhea.

PID affects the upper genital tract including the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It's the leading cause of tubal infertility in young women, but it can usually be prevented if STIs are detected and treated early. One of the long-term consequences of PID is chronic pelvic pain. Having a baby is one of life's most wonderful experiences. It's exciting and joyous, but it can also be exhausting and frightening. After a woman has had a baby, she may find that she is confused and overwhelmed about the various emotions that she feels.

She may worry that she's unable to deal with the responsibility of being a full-time parent. After childbirth, many women experience symptoms of depression that can range from a brief attack of the "baby blues" to a serious and major clinical depression known as postpartum depression. These feelings will usually resolve on their own and often go away within 7 to 10 days.

This type of depression can affect women who have never been depressed before. Postpartum depression may begin anytime in the first 6 months after delivery. Postpartum psychosis is the most severe form of postpartum depression. It is relatively rare, and requires immediate discussion and treatment with a qualified health care provider. Schizophrenia is a serious and chronic medical condition. It is a disorder of the message system in the brain.

Someone with schizophrenia loses the ability to act properly or to think clearly - his or her mind is "split from reality" hence schizo "split" and phrenia "mind" from ancient Greek. The term schizophrenia does not refer to multiple personality disorder. It sometimes starts during childhood, but most often shows up in the late teens or 20s. It can develop gradually, over the course of weeks or months, or it can seem to come on very suddenly. The signs of schizophrenia are easy to misunderstand, and can sometimes be frightening to other people.

While this disorder never goes away, it can often be managed with proper medical care and family support. Everyone has experienced pain at some time or other. A cut, a sports injury, childbirth, surgery, or kidney stones all can produce varying degrees of pain. In these cases, the pain has a known cause and resolves when the cause is no longer there. This type of pain is acute pain.

Acute pain performs a function — it warns the body of a problem or injury. Chronic pain, which is pain lasting months or years, is much different. The pain itself rarely continues to perform any useful function. Chronic pain can be quite disabling, often preventing people from working and enjoying life. It can lead to people feeling isolated, angry, frustrated, and guilty.

A kidney stone is formed when a small speck of mineral settles out of the urine into the kidney or the ureter, a tube that links the kidney to the bladder. Additional minerals will stick to the small speck, which develops into stones over time. There are four main types of kidney stones, classified depending on the chemicals that make up the stones: Though rare, certain medications can sometimes form stones after crystallization in the urine.

The most common kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate, which is naturally present in the urine. Kidney stones are a common cause for hospital visits in North America. The stones are often small and can pass through the urinary system on their own. Kidney stones are more likely to form in hot climates or in the summertime.

When people become dehydrated, the minerals in their urine become more concentrated. It then becomes easier for small mineral particles to settle out of the urine and start a kidney stone. Kidney stones are three times more common in men than in women. They also seem to run in families. People who have already had one kidney stone also have a higher than average risk of getting another. Menopause is the time when a woman's menstrual periods stop and her ovaries stop releasing eggs. A woman is considered menopausal once she has gone a year without having a menstrual period.

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Therefore, the exact time of a woman's final menstrual period can only be pinpointed by counting backwards after the fact. Although most women go through menopause around age 50, normal menopause can happen any time between the age of 40 and The last periods are usually more irregular and have less blood flow. However, some women's periods don't change at all. Along with normal or natural menopause, there is also premature menopause.

Premature menopause occurs before the age of 40 and can be caused by a variety of things, such as removal of the ovaries, autoimmune disorders, endocrinological reasons, or cancer therapy. Medical interventions, such as a hysterectomy when the uterus is removed , may also prevent menstruation. If the ovaries are removed as well, production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are stopped, causing the symptoms of menopause. Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a new name for a very old condition. In the earlier s, it was known as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue.

In PTSD, a witness or victim of a terrible event or tragedy is so haunted by memories of the event that personal health and personality is affected. Research suggests that 9. Women are twice as likely to be affected as men. The specific type of trauma is important in the gender distribution. For example, women exposed to a physical attack or threatened with a weapon are more likely to develop PTSD than men who are exposed to the same trauma. But women who are sexually assaulted are less likely to develop PTSD than men who are sexually assaulted. Seasonal affective disorder SAD is a type of depression that seems to be related to the amount of daylight to which people are exposed.

For most people it tends to be worse in the fall or winter, making it an extreme form of the "winter blahs. Every year, as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it is estimated that about 2 or 3 out or every people are affected by SAD. About 15 out of every people have less severe symptoms of SAD called the "winter blues. Older people are at lower risk. Children can also experience SAD, although it is far less common. Alzheimer's disease has a major impact on the health of Canadians. There will be over 1 million Canadians living with dementia by the year , largely because the "baby boom" generation people born between and will have reached old age.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease doubles every 5 years after the age of Exactly how and why Alzheimer's disease develops is still not understood. Somehow, cells are damaged and eventually die in different areas of the brain. The damaged areas of the brain contain abnormalities called beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary or tau tangles. The death of brain cells leads to dementia, characterized by memory loss, impaired judgment, and behavioural changes.

Eventually, the person loses their speech as well as their bladder and bowel control. People with Alzheimer's typically die of infections such as pneumonia or other medical problems. Most people live for about 8 to 10 years after diagnosis, but some have lived for up to 20 years. Each case of Alzheimer's usually affects at least two lives: Caring for an individual with Alzheimer's can be demanding and stressful. People who have already had one kidney stone also have a higher than average risk of getting another.

Menopause is the time when a woman's menstrual periods stop and her ovaries stop releasing eggs. A woman is considered menopausal once she has gone a year without having a menstrual period. Therefore, the exact time of a woman's final menstrual period can only be pinpointed by counting backwards after the fact. Although most women go through menopause around age 50, normal menopause can happen any time between the age of 40 and The last periods are usually more irregular and have less blood flow. However, some women's periods don't change at all. Along with normal or natural menopause, there is also premature menopause.

Premature menopause occurs before the age of 40 and can be caused by a variety of things, such as removal of the ovaries, autoimmune disorders, endocrinological reasons, or cancer therapy. Medical interventions, such as a hysterectomy when the uterus is removed , may also prevent menstruation. If the ovaries are removed as well, production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are stopped, causing the symptoms of menopause.

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a new name for a very old condition. In the earlier s, it was known as "shell shock" or "battle fatigue. In PTSD, a witness or victim of a terrible event or tragedy is so haunted by memories of the event that personal health and personality is affected. Research suggests that 9. Women are twice as likely to be affected as men. The specific type of trauma is important in the gender distribution. For example, women exposed to a physical attack or threatened with a weapon are more likely to develop PTSD than men who are exposed to the same trauma.

But women who are sexually assaulted are less likely to develop PTSD than men who are sexually assaulted. Seasonal affective disorder SAD is a type of depression that seems to be related to the amount of daylight to which people are exposed. For most people it tends to be worse in the fall or winter, making it an extreme form of the "winter blahs.

Every year, as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it is estimated that about 2 or 3 out or every people are affected by SAD. About 15 out of every people have less severe symptoms of SAD called the "winter blues.

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Older people are at lower risk. Children can also experience SAD, although it is far less common. Alzheimer's disease has a major impact on the health of Canadians. There will be over 1 million Canadians living with dementia by the year , largely because the "baby boom" generation people born between and will have reached old age.

The risk of developing Alzheimer's disease doubles every 5 years after the age of Exactly how and why Alzheimer's disease develops is still not understood. Somehow, cells are damaged and eventually die in different areas of the brain. The damaged areas of the brain contain abnormalities called beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary or tau tangles. The death of brain cells leads to dementia, characterized by memory loss, impaired judgment, and behavioural changes.

Eventually, the person loses their speech as well as their bladder and bowel control. People with Alzheimer's typically die of infections such as pneumonia or other medical problems. Most people live for about 8 to 10 years after diagnosis, but some have lived for up to 20 years. Each case of Alzheimer's usually affects at least two lives: Caring for an individual with Alzheimer's can be demanding and stressful.

Many caregivers must eventually face the difficult decision of placing their loved one in institutional care. It is estimated that about three-quarters of the population drink alcohol. Of this number, about 4 to 5 million Canadians will find that their alcohol consumption leads to serious problems involving their health, work, finances, and relationships with family and friends.

When a person uses alcohol despite apparent harm to their health and well-being, it is called alcohol abuse or dependence , or alcoholism. In general, men are more likely than women to develop alcoholism. However, the incidence of alcoholism among women has increased in the past 30 years. Dysmenorrhea can be literally translated as "difficult monthly flow. There are two types of dysmenorrhea: Primary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that's not a symptom of an underlying gynecologic disorder but is related to the normal process of menstruation.

Primary dysmenorrhea is most common in late adolescence and the early 20s. Fortunately for many women, the problem eases as they mature, particularly after a pregnancy. Although it may be painful and sometimes debilitating for brief periods of time, it is not harmful. Secondary dysmenorrhea is menstrual pain that is generally related to some kind of gynecologic disorder.

Most of these disorders can be easily treated with medications or surgery. Secondary dysmenorrhea is more likely to affect women during adulthood. Premenstrual syndrome PMS is a condition familiar to many women. Also known as ovarian cycle syndrome or premenstrual tension, it's defined as a set of symptoms e. Unfortunately, PMS is poorly understood.

For some women, PMS may cause major discomfort and even disrupt normal activities. Some are totally unaffected and feel perfectly fine during the days leading up to menstruation. Women with this form of PMS may suffer severe depression, anger, or low self-esteem along with other symptoms. Tourette syndrome TS , named after the French neurologist who first described it, is a neurological disorder characterized by motor tics brief, non-rhythmic, stereotyped movements and vocal tics.

TS is usually first noticed in childhood between 2 and 15 years of age, although there have been cases of delayed onset starting around 21 years of age. Depending on how strictly it's defined, experts estimate that TS affects 1 in people. Boys are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with this condition than girls. Although there is no cure for TS, most people do not need medical treatment if symptoms aren't bothersome. Severe cases of TS can cause behaviour that many people find bizarre, rude, or alarming.

Many people who have heard of this condition associate it with loud and uncontrollable swearing. This is one possible symptom of TS, but it's a fairly rare one. Most people with TS have much less severe tics. Not everyone with TS has these conditions and the link between TS and these conditions is unclear.

The severity of tics often diminishes with age and resolves by age 18 for about half of the people with this condition. Though symptoms of TS usually improve during late teenage years, other medical conditions associated with TS, such as depression and anxiety, may continue into adulthood. People with TS have a normal life expectancy and intelligence. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra. Urinary tract infections UTIs are far more common in women than men. Urinary tract infections have different names depending on which part of the urinary tract is infected.

The rate of infection is higher for sexually active women — between 16 and 35 years old — than for men. Among seniors, the gender difference in infection rates diminishes, but rates of infection in seniors living at home or in care facilities or hospitals remains high. The vagina has its own chemical balance, which can be easily disturbed. If the lining of the vagina becomes inflamed, a condition known as vaginitis may develop. This can occur in girls and women of all ages.

Agoraphobia, meaning "fear of the marketplace" in Greek, is a type of anxiety disorder. It's a condition where a person feels intensely anxious about being trapped in certain situations i. Movie theatres, long lineups in banks or stores, and buses or subways are examples of problem places for people with agoraphobia. They often end up avoiding these situations or only go with someone they feel "safe" with. In extreme cases, they may end up housebound, terrified to go anywhere in public. Agoraphobia affects more women than men and is more common in those who are middle aged, widowed or divorced and economically disadvantaged.

It disproportionally affects people with panic disorder — half of people with panic disorder also have agoraphobia. We all experience a variety of moods such as happiness, sadness, and anger. Unpleasant moods and changes in mood are normal reactions in everyday life, and we can often identify the events that caused our mood to change. However, when we experience extreme mood changes that affect how we behave and function, these changes are often the result of a mood disorder.

Bipolar disorder formerly known as manic-depressive disorder is a mood disorder that consists of periods of extremely elevated mood mania , extremely low mood depression , and normal mood. Bipolar disorder typically begins for people during adolescence and early adulthood. It is unusual for bipolar disorder to begin in childhood without strong familial risk factors, and it is rare for its onset to occur after the age of 60 unless it is associated with another medical condition.

Infertility is usually defined as the inability to become pregnant after one year of vaginal intercourse without birth control. Approximately one-third of infertility cases can be attributed to a fertility issue with the woman; one-third with the man; and one-third with either both partners or the cause of the infertility is never found. People shouldn't assume that they or their partners are infertile until they've tried and failed to conceive for at least 6 months if the female partner is 35 years or older, or for at least one year if the female partner is less than 35 years of age.

If you are still unable to get pregnant after this time, check with your doctor. Fortunately, it's not uncommon for couples to suddenly conceive a child after years of trying unsuccessfully without treatment. The kidneys, each about the size of a fist, play three major roles: The kidneys filter waste products and excess salt and water out of the blood, and pass these out of the body as urine. The kidneys also make hormones that control blood pressure, as well as maintain bone metabolism and the production of red blood cells.

It's a serious problem when the kidneys stop working. Waste products that build up in the body cause imbalances in chemicals needed to keep the body functioning smoothly. There are many different types of kidney diseases. Kidney diseases can lead to end-stage renal disease ESRD , a condition in which the kidneys fail to work normally.

People with kidney failure need to receive dialysis or a kidney transplant. Chronic renal failure, or chronic kidney disease CKD , is a slow and progressive decline of kidney function. Unlike acute renal failure, which happens quickly and suddenly, chronic renal failure happens gradually — over a period of weeks, months, or years — as the kidneys slowly stop working, leading to end-stage renal disease ESRD.

The progression is so slow that symptoms usually don't appear until major damage is done. In Canada, approximately 1. The kidneys play three major roles: When kidneys get to the point where they can't function at all, kidney dialysis or a transplant is the only way to remove the body's waste products.

Glomerulonephritis is a progressive kidney disease that involves the glomeruli, the individual filtering units of the kidney that produce urine. When the glomeruli become inflamed, the kidneys can't filter urine properly. This results in a buildup of excess fluid and toxins in the body. Glomerulonephritis can lead to chronic renal kidney failure. There are two main types of glomerulonephritis: Primary glomerulonephritis affects the kidneys directly, while in secondary glomerulonephritis the kidneys are damaged as a result of another illness.

Glomerulonephritis seems to happen twice as often in males as in females. IgA nephropathy, also called Berger's disease, is a kidney disorder that causes inflammation of the glomeruli, the individual filtering units of the kidney that produce urine. The inflammation is produced by a buildup of a substance called immunoglobulin A IgA in the kidneys. IgA is a type of antibody manufactured by the immune system.

When the body is unable to filter the urine, it can't excrete body wastes or eliminate excess fluid from the bloodstream. IgA nephropathy leads to renal kidney failure and other related complications. It may be acute attacking quickly and suddenly or chronic. IgA nephropathy often strikes in the teen or early adult years. It affects more males than females.

Cyclothymic disorder, also called cyclothymia, is a type of mood disorder where people experience numerous periods of mood "highs" and "lows" that are unrelated to life circumstances. The mood instability - mild elation or mild depression - is related to bipolar disorder which was formerly known as manic depression and is in fact considered to be a milder form of bipolar disorder.

Though less severe, cyclothymia can have great impact on a person's life, where unexpected and extreme mood changes disrupt the ability to function normally. Cyclothymic disorder generally starts appearing during young adulthood, though it may also first occur at a later age. Dysthymia is a mood or affective disorder. It is a chronic, mild depression that lasts for a long period of time. The word dysthymia comes from Greek roots meaning "ill-humour. The condition usually starts in early adulthood, and the disorder can last for years or even decades. Later onset is usually associated with bereavement or obvious stress, and often follows on the heels of a more extreme depressive episode.

Women are twice as likely as men to suffer from dysthymia, in a similar ratio to that seen with major depression. In the past, dysthymia had several other names: Obsessive compulsive disorder OCD is a chronic, potentially disabling anxiety disorder. This condition is characterized by persistent, unwanted thoughts obsessions or certain behaviours that are repetitive and unnecessary but are extremely difficult to overcome compulsions. People with OCD often feel powerless, distressed, and anxious because of the condition.

Generally, the obsessive rituals are performed privately because affected people believe others may not understand their feelings and behaviour. People with OCD also realize that their actions have no real purpose but still feel unable to stop. It affects men and women equally.

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It is sometimes confused with other anxiety disorders but, in reality, the condition is an illness that requires treatment. Phobias are fears sparked by certain situations that can interfere with a person's coping abilities or lead them to stay away altogether. These situations are not normally dangerous or frightening, but people with phobias experience strong feelings of anxiety when they find themselves in these environments.

These individuals can be calm and rational most of the time, yet find themselves paralyzed with fear when they are faced with a particular situation. Phobias can be categorized into a number of different types: Social phobia is an avoidance of social situations, resulting from extreme shyness or fear of being embarrassed in public.

Social phobia affects men and women equally. It often starts in childhood or adolescence and may be accompanied by other anxiety disorders or depression.