Penile girth enlargement surgery uk

Should you decide to proceed with a penis enlargement treatment, then the consultation Combined penis length and girth surgery performed in one operating Finance ( which broker.
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This is perhaps because the sex experts tell us that when it comes to sexual intercourse, the thickness of the penis is more important than the length. Here are common reasons why you may come to Moorgate Andrology for penis girth surgery.

Penis Enlargement Surgery UK - International Andrology London

The operation to thicken your penis will be performed under general anaesthetic and will take just under one hour. A small liposuction procedure is performed to harvest some fat from your abdomen. We can also take fat from the thigh or buttock area, but most men seem to have a least a little to spare on the stomach.

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This fat is then put through a fat purification system called Lipivage. This system improves the quality of the transferred fat, therefore improving dramatically the survival rate of the fat cells compared to traditional methods used by some other clinics. The fat is then evenly distributed along the shaft of the penis to thicken it. Depending on the type of work that you do, you will want to take a little time off work.

If you have a deskbound job then around one week should suffice.

If your job is physically demanding then it could be two weeks before you are back. Ask your Surgeon at your consultation for the recommended time for you. PRP and fat purification: Uniform implantation: The increase of the circumference is up to 30 percent and, in most cases, no revision or further procedures are required. Patients who undergo this surgery can normally resume work in 3 to 7 days. You should make a full recovery and completely heal in 2 months. This surgery is normally performed as day surgery.

You will usually be able to go home after the reversal of anaesthesia and after the team have made sure you are comfortable and safe to do so. Patients are advised to only resume physical activity, such as exercise or going to the gym, after 3 to 4 weeks of rest.

Sexual health

Return to the gym or fitness regimen must be carefully planned in your consultations. Considering the sensitivity of the area, it is suggested you gradually increase the intensity of exercises or physical exertion. You can safely resume sexual activity after one month. You will be advised during the consultations about the safest practices for sexual activity after surgery. These will be discussed in detail for better understanding and safety.

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  6. Penile Girth Enhancement. Penile Length Enhancement. To ensure a natural appearance, we increase both the length and girth at the same time, although it is possible to have either only the lengthening or enlargement girth. The functioning will be completely normal both in terms of erection and urination.

    Penile Procedures

    Penoplasty is a day case procedure, and will be performed under local anaesthetic with IV sedation this is not a General Anaesthetic. You will completely pain free, and will not remember anything about the procedure. In the case of lengthening, you will have deep dissolving sutures in the underlying muscle and tissue and some skin sutures as well as staples to the pubis.

    With the enlargement, you will have only one small suture to the abdomen where we collected the fat and one further suture to the base of the shaft where the fat was injected , as well as some strapping across the abdomen for one week.

    You will remain at the clinic for about 2 hours, to allow us to monitor your recovery from the sedation. It is necessary to arrange for someone to come and collect you, as you are not permitted to drive or take public transport for 48hrs after having sedation. During the first two or three days after the surgery you may experience a slight amount of discomfort but this is normally controlled with oral pain relief.

    You may experience a small amount of bruising and some surgical swelling, which will subside after approximately two weeks. Massaging your shaft using Vaseline is recommended each day to resolve the asymmetry of the shaft and prevent lumps occurring. You will need to return to the clinic after one week to have your bandages and sutures removed by the nurse. In the case of lengthening, you return again in a further week for removal of the sutures and staples to the pubis. At the follow-up visits you will be examined to ensure that the healing process is proceeding satisfactorily.

    Further post-operative visits may be scheduled at your convenience to ensure that both yourself and the surgeon are totally satisfied with your results.

    Latest from our blog

    Like all operations, Penoplasty is not without complications, they are rare but can occur. In some cases with enlargement surgery the shaft may be asymmetrical or lumps may occur due to the position of the fat. Gentle massage should normally resolve this problem. There is no known effects of your bedroom performance. Your key organ is your brain and nobody can predict how you will react after surgery.

    We have however, found that most men feel more confident about themselves.