Male fertility enhancement foods

ways to increase sperm count and enhance overall fertility in men. Foods or supplements that claim to increase libido are called.
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However, Ms Obert says research shows the quality of men's sperm is more important than quanity, Healthista reports. She said: Tomatoes contain the antioxidant lycopene which protects sperm against damage. From lentils to dark chocolate, here she reveals the best foods for male fertility Tomatoes are one of the best food sources of the antioxidant lycopene. There have been several studies undertaken on lycopene and male fertility and it has been found to significantly improve motility the sperms ability to swim , activity and structure of sperm.

Lycopene is more available in cooked or processed tomatoes, so use tomato puree for a real hit and add olive oil to aid absorption of this fat-soluble antioxidant. Walnuts are rich in omega 3 fatty acids and according to a study by the Society for the Study of Reproduction eating 2. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc which plays an important role in sperm development and testosterone production.

They are also rich in several other essential minerals and vitamins. Choose raw, organic pumpkin seeds for optimal nutritional value and sprinkle into cereals, salads and smoothies. Lentils are one of the richest food sources of folate natural folic acid which is just as important for male fertility as it is for female fertility. It has been found that men who have a lower intake of folate from their diet have higher rates of chromosomal abnormalities in their sperm. Lentils are also a great vegetarian source of protein and fibre. Try Asian spiced lentils with grilled cod … a delicious and nutritious combination.

Blueberries are wonderful source of powerful, anti-inflammatory antioxidants including quercetin and resveratrol. Studies show that quercetin can help in maintaining healthy sperm parameters including motility and quality and resveratrol has been found to improve sperm count and motility. Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in blueberries, has been found to improve sperm count and motility.

One of the simplest ways of improving sperm count and quality is to drink enough water. Semen is water based and so drinking more water can help improve sperm production. Semen is water based and increasing liquid consumption can help increase the ejaculate and improve sperm production. Ensure it is more water that you are consuming, caffeine is a diuretic and soft drinks may be linked with lowering sperm counts. Pomegranate has long been considered a superfood due to its high antioxidant content which can improve blood circulation, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and lower inflammation.

Research shows that pomegranate causes surges in testosterone, improves sperm quality and increases sex drive and mood in both sexes. Purchase vitamin E supplements here. Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10, is an antioxidant that all living cells need to function. Research shows that CoQ10 supplements can increase semen quality in men who are infertile. Purchase CoQ10 supplements here. D-aspartic acid is an amino acid implicated in the regulation of male sex hormones, such as testosterone.

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Some research has shown that sodium D-aspartic acid supplements can increase sperm concentration and motility. Purchase D-aspartic acid here. Omega-3s have wide-ranging health benefits, including enhanced sperm count, motility, and morphology. Purchase omega-3 supplements here. An amino acid, L-arginine appears to play several different roles in male fertility. Inside the body, it transforms into nitric oxide, which promotes sperm function. L-arginine supplements have been found to increase sperm count in rabbits at certain doses.

However, the same study found that too high of a dose of L-arginine decreased sperm motility. You should talk to your doctor about how L-arginine may affect you before adding more to your diet. Purchase L-arginine here. Fenugreek seed extract may increase testosterone levels, which are linked to sperm production and health. Study outcomes are varied, though. One study found that fenugreek seed extract may only maintain healthy testosterone levels. Participants took mg of fenugreek seed extract per day for 12 weeks.

Improving Male Fertility — Research Suggests a Nutrient-Dense Diet May Play an Integral Role

Purchase fenugreek here. Ashwagandha root, or withania somnifera , is an herbal remedy with antioxidant properties.

Some recent research suggests Ashwagandha root may improve semen quality. In one study , participants who took 5 grams of Ashwagandha root powder for three months experienced a significant improvement in semen quality.

1) Make sure he's doing enough exercise

Purchase Ashwagandha root here. Lepidium meyenii , more commonly known as Maca root , has been linked to male fertility. Evidence is mixed, though. A separate study found that Maca positively impacted sperm concentration and motility, but more research is needed to support this finding. Purchase Maca root here. Ginseng supplements may improve several factors related to sperm health, including count and motility.

Ginsenoside, an active ingredient in ginseng, may stimulate nitric oxide production, which is related to sperm function. You should talk to your doctor before consuming ginseng. Doused in butter and smothered in marshmallows, the sweet potato can seem more like a weird dessert than a superfood.

But when prepared in the right way, sweet potatoes can be a savory side that gets your swimmers ready for action. Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, a chemical that your body converts into antioxidants, which can prevent sperm fro being damaged by ROS. They also contain large amounts of vitamin A, which has been known to help keep sperm actively swimming. Gobbling up lean proteins like turkey and chicken can whip your swimmers into lean, mean, baby making machines.

Chicken and turkey both contain selenium,a key mineral in sperm formation. They also contain high amounts of zinc, a mineral that is essential for DNA production, as well as promoting healthy testosterone levels. Chicken contains an antioxidant called L-carnitine, an amino acid that protects young sperm cells from ROS.

Seafood is a heavy hitter of fertility health. They contain nearly every fertility boosting vitamin and mineral, such as Coenzyme Q10, an energy producing antioxidant that keeps your swimmers fueled and protects them from ROS. Seafood is rich in selenium, a mineral that can help your thyroid regulate sperm production hormones, as well as helping your sperm maintain a healthy shape, meaning that your sperm can live longer and swim better. Shellfish are high in zinc, while oily fish contain omegas 3 and 6, which assist in sperm motility. Today, the majority of bread and cereals contain large amounts of folic acid, which ensures that your body can produce high quality DNA.

Most fortified breads and cereals contain niacin, a vitamin that helps create sex hormones and regulates blood flow, meaning it could help alleviate erectile dysfunction. They also contain vitamin D, which can increase testosterone, sperm count, and maintain semen quality. So go ahead, have that bowl of Lucky Charms. Avocados are a great source for three vital nutrients to help your fertility and sperm.

For one, avocados are a source of Coenzyme Q10, which with its unique molecular structure, is a great source of energy and protection for sperm. Avocados are also a source of L-carnitine, which helps sperm generate energy more rapidly to ensure ongoing sperm development. Lastly, avocados provide men with a great source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin, binds with harmful sperm by-products called reactive oxygen species ROS to protect sperm from damage and fatality.

Avocados essentially provide men and their sperm with a triple threat to disarm the evil forces feeding infertility! Walnuts that is! Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 acids, which are connected to better sperm quality. Walnuts are also a source of Coenzyme Q Like many of the foods listed here, the Coenzyme Q10 in walnuts protect sperm, while also helping sperm generate energy more efficiently. Unlike a lot of the Superfoods listed here, a handful of walnuts can be eaten everyday! For male fertility, berries are more than just a burst of tangy sweetness.

Berries like strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries are rich in vitamin C, which helps prevent sperm from clumping together, which is known as aggultinisation. This great source of vitamin C also enables the creation of key amino acids required to produce sperm. Vitamin C can also protect sperm from both external and internal toxins, which ultimately improves motility, morphology, and DNA integrity.

14 superfoods for men while trying to conceive + 6 foods to eliminate

Berries are the all time protectors of your sperm. Dark chocolate is the mysterious batman, hiding in the dark of the night, slyly handing you the keys to a polished and loaded bat mobile ready for supreme baby-making. For one, dark chocolate is known to reduce hypertension, which helps men appropriately rise to the occasion. Dark chocolate also contains strong antioxidants, which help develop and protect sperm from damage.

But be sure not to eat too much dark chocolate! That mistake could contribute to a very unhealthy lifestyle. Beef is on this list of superfoods. Actually, beef is extremely helpful for your sperm. If eaten in moderation, beef gives your sperm great chances in survival and fertilization.

Beef also contains zinc, which is critical for male fertility all around. Zinc helps with DNA production and is a building block for testosterone, semen, the prostrate, and sperm themselves. Beef also contains selenium, which in small doses helps maintain and strengthen the production, structure, and lifespan of sperm. Pretty great, right?

Fertility Foods for Men

But remember, beef is only good for your fertility diet in moderation! Green vegetables, such as arugula, kale and romaine are the kind of leafy goodness that can strengthen your sperm against the horrors that surround them. Vitamin A is prominent in leafy greens, which keeps your sperm strong and prepared for their race to the egg. Leafy greens also contain folic acid.