Penile lengthening surgery reviews

Oderda and Gontero conducted a review which aimed to explore whether nonsurgical methods of penile lengthening may have some scientific.
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One of the most common concerns men have about their bodies is the size of their penis. Why is this the case? As a result of this social pressure, guys are increasingly going under the knife in order to enhance the size of their packages. But do these surgeries work as promised and are they worth the exorbitant costs? One is a lengthening procedure, in which the suspensory ligament i.

As you can see, you need to be comfortable with knives and needles around the penis in order to pursue any type of penile augmentation. So now for the million dollar question—does it work? The procedures are also presented as being very safe, and complications are said to be incredibly rare. However, research suggests that the risks are more serious than this.

For example, one study I came across reported on dozens of patients who experienced penile deformities after undergoing one of these surgeries [3]. Complaints included very prominent scarring, penile humps and lumps, as well as a disappearance of injected fat. Many of these men needed to have reconstructive surgery in order to address the deformities. Unfortunately, the full extent of complications arising from these operations is unknown. A recent review paper on this topic highlighted the fact that many studies do not discuss complications and concluded the following:.

There is no standard surgical technique, and much of the performed procedures are experimental with minimal objective pre- and postoperative data. Other complications include loss of sensation, angling of the penis downward due to lack of support and hypertropic scarring of wounds. A discussion of penile lengthening would be incomplete without the mention of penile reconstruction for bladder exstrophy epispadias.

After the exstrophy is repaired these patients are often left with deformities of their penis, mainly a shortened penis or an upward-tethered penis. This is thought to be a result of a congenitally shortened anterior corpus cavernosum. A number of techniques have been described on how to reconstruct the epispadic penis. Cantwell was one of the first to describe the repair of epispadias in his article in the Annals of Surgery.

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In , Kelley and Eraklis 2 separated the corpora from the ischiopubic ramus in a patient with exstrophy of the bladder to gain length. One of the more common techniques used to correct exstrophy epispadias is the modified Cantwell—Ransley repair, a staged repair. This repair emphasizes penile chordee correction, urethral reconstruction, glandular reconstruction and penile skin closure.

In , Surer et al. Of the subjects, 79 had classic exstrophy and 14 had complete epispadias. A primary repair was performed in 65 of the patients who had classic bladder exstropy and 12 who had epispadias. A secondary repair was done in 14 patients who had classic bladder exstrophy and 2 who had complete epispadias. They ultimately concluded that the modified Cantwell—Ramsley procedure yields excellent results both cosmetically and functionally.

In , Alter and Ehrlich described a novel technique for correction of the hidden penis in adults. The authors stressed, that prior to embarking on the procedure, the etiology of the concealment must be identified correctly to fix the condition properly. The amount of penile skin must be assessed to assure that there is sufficient amount to perform the procedure. When concealment is due to overhanging suprapubic skin, the skin is excised in an elliptical fashion, which will allow for visibility of the penis.

It is important to taper the fat cephalad and laterally, which will prevent an unsightly appearance. The subdermal tissue of the suprapubic skin is then tacked to the rectus fascia which maintains the upward position of the resected skin Figure 3. Technique of tacking subdermal penopubic junction to rectus fascia with multiple rows of polyester sutures. Sometimes a suprapubic lipectomy or liposuction is performed if a large suprapubic fat pad is present. On occasion, release of the penile suspensory ligaments may be performed to allow for additional penile length.

Even after the suprapubic fat issues are addressed, there is still a tendency of the corpora to retract into the scrotum. In order to prevent the retraction, a midline incision is made at the penoscrotal junction, and dissection carried down to the spongiosum and tunica albuginea. Two tacking sutures are placed on either side of the urethra from the tunica albuginea to the ventral penoscrotal subdermal tissue Figure 4. These sutures prevent retraction of the penis into the scrotum.

Technique of bilateral tacking of subdermal penoscrotal junction to periuretheral tunica albuginea. As implantation of a penile prosthesis has been perceived by some as resulting in penile shortening, 41 , 42 Miranda-Sousa et al. The procedure was done in patients undergoing penile prosthesis implant for erectile dysfunction.

Ninety patients, with a mean age of 62 years, underwent placement of a penile prosthesis. Group 1 consisted of 43 patients who had penile prosthesis placement 39 received Coloplast inflatable penile prosthesis and 4 received semi-rigid penile prosthesis along with ventral phalloplasty with takedown of penoscrotal web. Group 2 contained 37 men who had Mentor Titan inflatable prosthesis placed through a standard penoscrotal incision. A diamond shaped piece of scrotal skin is removed and closed in a modified Heineke—Michulz type fashion.

The authors reported that the difference in patients reporting an increase in length vs those reporting a decrease in length reached statistical significance. Complications associated with the procedure were uncommon and minor two wound hematomas and three superficial infections in group 1, and one wound separation in group 2. Most importantly, there were no prosthetic infections in either group. Skin incisions are made along the Z-plasty through skin and superficial dartos fascia, and skin closed with a 4—0 or 5—0 moncryl. He does caution that closing the Z-Plasty can cause circumferential narrowing of the penis.

Chang and Liu 45 reported that despite being effective, Z-plasty can be technically difficult. The authors offer a V—Y advancement flap technique for the correction of penoscrotal web. They described making a V incision at the penoscrotal junction, and this flap is then mobilized, using caution to preserve blood supply so as to not devascularize the flap. This flap was then advanced upwards and closed in a Y configuration using 4—0 chromic suture.

This same technique was repeated 1. Many of the previously quoted studies do not discuss complications. Penile enhancement surgery is a highly risky procedure. There is no standard surgical technique, and much of the performed procedures are experimental with minimal objective pre- and postoperative data. In patients who have autologous fat transfer for girth enhancement, complications include loss of injected fat and irregularity at the injection site, scar thickening with keloid formation and scrotalization.

In , Alter 46 nicely reviewed the complications from penile enhancement surgery. Alter reoperated on 19 men over a 2-year interval, all of whom had penile enlargement surgeries by other physicians. In all 19 men, cutting the suspensory ligaments and advancing the skin in the V—Y advancement flap was performed in an attempt to achieve penile lengthening. Penile girth enhancement was accomplished by autologous fat injections. Patients presented various complaints such as hypertrophic scars, low hanging penis and penile lumps.

In 12 of 19 patients, either complete or total reversal of the V—Y advancement flap was performed. In addition, 12 of the men had removal of subcutaneous fat nodules. Alter attributed most of the poor results to flap viability secondary to vascular supply, or to a thick V—Y flap. Often a complete reversal of the V—Y flap was either impossible, or undesirable. Elevation of the V flap was performed, aligning hair-bearing skin on the flap to the scrotum to maintain blood supply and scrotal dog ears were excised.

This review gives an overview of studies that examine the average length of the penis, conditions that result in penile shortening and penile enhancement procedures. Variability arises between standardization of penile measurements.

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Objective standardization is required to make comparison of data more accurate. Penile length should be measured from the base of the penis, or the pubopenile junction at the most proximal point to the tip of the glans as the most distant point of measurement. Penile length should be evaluated in three states: In order to accurately reflect penile size, both length and girth measurements should be taken in all states.

These measurements should be made by a single health professional, not with self-reported questionnaire data.

Rather, measurements were recorded in either the flaccid state or the erect state, but never in both. Given the tremendous variability in penile size and the unpredictable penile extensibility, it would appear that penile measurement should be performed in all states in order to arrive at a consensus statement regarding penile size. Why perform penile enlargement surgery?

With respect to those patients seeking enlargement for the former reason, there is no medical necessity to perform the surgery. This is usually true with cosmetic plastic surgery for women for breast augmentation when not associated with breast cancer. Is this type of surgery reasonable in men with respect to penis length? Should the surgeon consider psychiatric clearance prior to consideration of penile augmentation surgery?

Should this be the standard of care? There are medical conditions that result in legitimate penile shortening. There is evidence that some of the current treatments for prostate cancer, can lead to penile shortening. Specifically, men who undergo radical prostatectomy and possibly radiation therapy and hormonal treatment are susceptible to penile shortening.

Along similar lines, patients who have peyronie's disease are also subject to penile shortening, but much like those treated for prostate cancer, penile shortening is not usually significant enough to warrant enlargement surgery. Surgeons who consider performing this type of surgery must be able to justify why enlargement surgery should be performed. This discussion should first include the distinction between those procedures that increase penile girth and those that are aimed at increasing penile length. Regardless of which type of procedure is being sought, the patient should be aware that there is no universally accepted protocol for either type of surgery.

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Most of the reported case studies have been in a small experimental population with short followups. They should also be informed of the numerous complications that can result from such procedures, which included but are not limited to poor cosmesis, further shortening and sexual dysfunction.

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Plastic surgical procedures on the skin of the penis holds more optimism. It appears that the overall risks of these procedures are minimal. Quality of life data collection will be necessary to determine if the value of these procedures approach that of breast augmentation for women. The issue of penile size is one that will forever be an area of controversy for most men. This review sheds some light on the objective data regarding penile size.

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To reach a true consensus of penile size, a study comparing men from different races and nationalities would need to be performed. Standard measuring techniques are necessary to determine the results of penile lengthening procedures. We have sufficiently demonstrated medical and surgical conditions in which penile shortening occurs.

In addition, we have highlighted the procedures that are currently being performed for penile lengthening, girth enhancement and plastics skin reconstruction, and their associated complications. Friedman DM. A Mind of Its Own: A Cultural History of the Penis. The Free Press: New York , A procedure for lengthening the phallus in boys with exstrophy of the bladder.

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J Pediatr Surg ; 6: Vardi Y , Lowenstein L. Penile enlargement surgery—fact or illusion? Nat Clin Pract Urol ; 2: Shah J , Christopher N. Can shoe size predict penile length?

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BJU Int ; Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: J Urol ; Loeb H. Harnrohrencapacitat und tripperspritzen. Munch Med Wochenschr ; Schonfeld W. Normal growth and variation in the male genitalia from birth to maturity. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Saunders Co.: Philadelphia , Clinical study of the longitudinal deformation of the flaccid penis and of its variations with aging. Eur Urol ; Caucasian penis: Bogaert AF , Hershberger S. The relation between sexual orientation and penile size.

Arch Sex Behav ; Penile length and circumference: Does penile size in younger men cause problems in condom use? A prospective measurement of penile dimensions in young and 32 older men. Urology ; Penile measurements in normal adult Jordanians and in patients with erectile dysfunction. Int J Impot Res ; Pilot study of changes in stretched penile length 3 months after radical retropubic prostatectomy.

A prospective study measuring penile length in men treated with radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. Penile length changes in men treated with androgen suppression plus radiation therapy for local or locally advanced prostate cancer. Extensive corporeal fibrosis after penile irradiation. Peyronie's disease. J Sex Med ; 1: Rigaud G , Berger RE.

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Loria to get even larger. Since that low blow, Chris immediately researched different doctors for two years, until he found Dr. Chris also cites a fascination with his new bulge and loves when others take a glance. Prior to the procedure, Chris measured at 4. Chris now measures at 5 inches in length and 7 inches in girth. Steve's primary reason for getting the surgery was to better please his wife and ultimately strengthen their relationship. Prior to this surgery, Steve admits he'd had other enhancement surgeries, where fat was transferred from one part of his body to the penis.

It was invasive, you had to be sedated, and it doesn't last. Over time, the fat assimilated back into his body. He adds that he's now better able to stimulate his partner, which has led to an increase in his own arousal. In fact, Steve felt that, if anything, his sensitivity has increased.