Consumer reports male enhancement products

Moreover, the only testosterone product (EstraTest) approved for women in this of women report sexual problems, most commonly reduced libido, only about.
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Furthermore, not everyone who experiences changes in sexual desire and function as they age is bothered by those changes, and shouldn't be made to feel either abnormal or in need of a cure. This report will help you talk intelligently with your doctor about when sex-enhancing drugs may be appropriate and when other steps-including leaving well enough alone-are enough.

Despite the increasing use of testosterone to stoke waning sexual desire, our consultants say that it's rarely worthwhile, for several reasons. There is little or no correlation between libido, sexual performance, and the normal age-related decline in testosterone. There's little evidence of the therapy's long-term efficacy and safety. And many other factors—from stress and lack of sleep to changed feelings about a partner—can contribute to decreased sex drive.

When low testosterone levels are well below normal, sexuality and performance may be affected.

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But those declines often stem from correctable health problems, notably pituitary or testicular disorders. Even when those causes have been ruled out, taking testosterone is still a gamble. In men, while it can boost libido in those who have clearly low levels, side effects include breast enlargement and decreased sperm production. And it may speed the growth of prostate cancer and increase the risk of blood clots. In women, some research suggests that restoring testosterone to a high normal level can increase sexual desire, at least temporarily.

But they may also cause some nasty side effects

But it can also cause hair growth and acne, and may raise the risk of breast cancer. And other possible risks are largely unknown because of lack of long-term studies. Moreover, the only testosterone product EstraTest approved for women in this country uses a combination that can reduce HDL good cholesterol. And while some doctors and pharmacists now compound special testosterone formulations for women, or use creams or gels intended for men, the safety and efficacy of such products or such use is even less well understood. The reservations about testosterone apply doubly to DHEA, which is still allowed to be sold as a dietary supplement.

That's because there's even less evidence of its safety and benefits and because it may increase both estrogen and testosterone levels. Further, dietary supplements are largely unregulated, so you don't know if what's on the label is in the bottle. And your use of this potentially potent hormone is unlikely to be monitored by a physician.

What to do: Our consultants advise avoiding DHEA entirely, and taking testosterone only after evaluation by an endocrinologist, a specialist in hormone therapy. Even then it should be used with extreme caution. See "Testosterone Treatment in Men and Women," below. Other measures—treating underlying disorders, adjusting drug dosages, reducing stress, or addressing problems in your relationship with your partner, with a therapist's help if necessary—should generally be tried first.

The therapist could be a traditional one, a marriage counselor, or a sex therapist who focuses on negative sexual attitudes or beliefs. And remember that a lack of sexual desire is only a problem if you think it is.

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While anxiety sometimes causes erectile dysfunction, that disorder usually stems from physical problems, often the same ones that cause heart disease. Sildenafil Viagra , tadalafil Cialis , and vardenafil Levitra can help improve men's potency by dilating blood vessels in the penis, to allow for the increased blood flow necessary for an erection.

However, such drugs should be used cautiously, since they can cause potentially serious side effects. Those risks may include an increased chance of heart attack or stroke among men already at risk of such events-including those with coronary disease-as well as fertility problems and worsened sleep apnea. In some men, the drugs may also cause temporary vision or hearing problems. And they can interact with many medications, most notably nitrates used to relieve angina and certain herbs, including St.

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John's wort. Addressing coronary risk factors—reducing blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and weight, stopping smoking, exercising more, and rigorously treating diabetes—may help correct erectile dysfunction. Therapy or counseling might also help some people. Pelvic-muscle exercises called Kegels—where you tightly tense the muscles that interrupt the flow of urine or passage of gas—may be worth trying as well.

Find out more about dietary supplements that contain banned drugs and which three supplements you should never take. And some supplements were found to include a combination of prescription drugs plus other additives including steroids and painkillers. And the presence of untested analogs, or cousins, of prescription drugs could be even more disturbing. One reason these rogue supplement manufacturers are tweaking the molecules is to evade detection, but Cohen says this is risky business.

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